Last year I graduated from a two year horticulture program at the top of my class.I've built many indoor gardens for my friends ranging from a few plants to an entire basement with a dozen lights.With the advent of Full Spectrum LED lights, they have found that their crops are producing 50% more product.I decided to start this blog to document my experiences and provide tips and ideas on growing indoors for those that have decided to setup an indoor grow room.estagecraft LED Grow Lights has been delivering comprehensive product reviews and related topics since 2016.Our goal is to provide superior reviews and tremendous value to our customers.estagecraft LED Grow Lights is passionate about indoor growing and providing information to assist you in determining the best LED Lights to grow indoors.Over the years I have learned so much about indoor growing and felt it was my obligation to teach new indoor growers. I hope this information is useful to those that are new to indoor growing as it can be overwhelming in the beginning.If you have a topic that you would like me to explore,let me know and I will do my best to provide the information.I welcome your feedback and suggestions.