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[url=] link bai viet 123[/url] Help the end user <a href=""> link using examples </a> tinh yeu Technical writing is a fabulous career for anyone who loves research and writing. If you have a degree in accounting, engineering, biotechnology, or computer technology, consider becoming a technical writer (technical author in the UK). You don't necessarily need a degree to become a technical writer but it doesn't hurt. The alternative is to get a technical writing certificate. It's imperative to know how to write for technical and non-technical audiences. If you're able to convey information to both of these audiences, you'll have a successful career as a technical writer. <a href=""> Tech notes </a> <a href=""> Tech notes Blog </a> <strong>Technical Writing Tips and Tricks</strong> <strong>Know your target audience</strong>. Are you writing for a technical or non-technical audience? These are two different audiences. One will understand 'technical jargon' and the other won't. Make sure you use verbiage that the <u>end user</u> will understand. <strong>What is your writing goal?</strong> You can write the most comprehensive manual or users guide but if you get lost in the details, your goal will be lost in translation! Don't get lost in the details. Step back from your work and look at the big picture. Does your writing make sense? Will the target audience understand what you wrote? If focus solely on the details your message will get lost. Review your writing now and again to make sure you're on track with your writing goal. <strong>Use examples</strong>. Help the end user out by using examples. You may understand the information back and forwards but don't assume the end user will. Provide examples within your writin