behavior skill training motivates children

Education and Training (852) 291-5813 | Worldwide
Tom is a 6 year old boy. His mother is working in a bank as an auditor and father is involved with a self employed business. As she is a working mother, she doesn’t spend much time with him. One day, when tom’s mom requested him to pass the water to her friend who was invited to her place, he said a straight “No”. Her mom was surprised by his strange behavior. What do you think she should do? Complain to her father or should admit him in a behavior skill training course. Parents usually scold their children whenever he or she commits any mistake. This is something which has a bad impact on the children. It may have a temporary effect on him but it will finally make your child angry, rude, revengeful etc. It not only spoils the beautiful relationship between parents and child but also nurture negative qualities in him. This is the major reason of the communication skill training sessions getting popular day by day with the parents.