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Refferal :tde009 As we all know that there are lots of free classifieds websites on the net which provides free service to post their ad , every body posts their ads and get their targeted users which helps in growing their business , but whats the benefit of the owner of the free classifieds website , if you know how they earns its good if not just know to it that they all completely depends on google adsense , some of the most popular free classifieds are , clickindia.com , olx.com , khojle.in ,chennaiclassic.com etc. If you want to earn money from adsense by running your own free classifieds contact us. For more details : www.thinkingwork.com E-mail us at : [email protected] » Website url: http://www.thinkingwork.com MO 9936383322, MO 9839373583